Hi, I'm Kate.

I started writing poetry consistently about 6 years ago. I found myself encouraged by the poetry of others, even more so, lifted up by the poetry of Scripture in the laments and praises of David, Solomon, and Jeremiah. And I found that posting poetry helped me finish the process of writing and then hand the experience or emotion to God, all of which are life-giving to me.
I try through poetic prayer to capture the truth of our experiences in a sin-sick world and root them in the perspective of God's character and the hope of Jesus. It's a conversation with God over the things I'm learning in bible study or sermons, experiencing in a broken world and feeling in a broken body. It's often an application of Scripture or a recorded conversation with God. Sometimes it’s prayers and laments written for my friends and family.
I'm grateful for the many of you who have been refreshed and challenged by words I have written. I would love to publish a book of my poetry. If you are interested in a book, you can help me by subscribing to emails and following me on Instagram!
Interested in learning more about me, my work, or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Email me today!