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Risen - Kid/Parent Study

Risen - Kid/Parent Study


A companion work more geared toward Moms and Dads to do with their children. It has coloring pages, Bible Readings in NLT, and suggested activities.  I put it together for my church families at HMC, but I'm making it available to you as well because it was so helpful to me as a Mom last Easter. 


This is a companion work to the "Risen, 3rd Edition study." Last year was the sweetest Easter celebration in my memory because we intentionally anticipated the day with my children. So I wanted to make a version to share with other families. I think kids can handle a lot in the context of safe and loving homes. You know your children. Use this study as a guideline to share the gospel with them. Like God progressively reveals himself in Scripture, present the truths of scripture in ways your children can understand whatever age they are. If you're not sure, I'd guess higher. Let them ask questions, even if you don't know the answer. Do the activities with them. Wonder with them at the greatest event in history! If the activites are stressful to you, don't do them. The goal of this week IS NOT additional expectations. The goal is anticipation for the celebration. You likely won't keep the pages you color. But your kids will remember your attitude and excitement. 



For Moms & Dads, you set the tone this week. As you anticipate Easter, your kids will watch you. Both your joy and your boredom will be seen and imitated. All this to say, far more important than the way you dye your eggs is your wonder and joy at the most spectacular event in history. These activities are just ideas on how to learn with your kids, starting points for yearly traditions that remind us that Easter is more than pastel dresses and bunnies.






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